Deus Ex Walkthrough – Hell’s Kitchen
- Introduction
- Liberty Island
- Battery Park
- Hell’s Kitchen
- Warehouse District
- Mole Tunnels
- Airbase
- 20th Street Warehouse
- Secret MJ12 Facility
- MJ12 Helibase
- Tonnochi Road
- VersaLife
- Hell’s Kitchen 2
- Naval Shipyards
- Cemetary
- Paris Catacombs
- Champs Elysses
- Chateau DuClare
- Cathedral
- Vandenberg
- Gas Station
- Sub Base
- Missile Silo
- Area 51
- Conclusion
- Saves
NYC - Hell’s Kitchen
On the platform you will find 4 prod charger rounds (hidden behind one of the pieces of wood leaning against the pillars). Don’t give the hooker any money if she asks for some. As you approach the stairs Paul will run down to meet you. He gives you 4 prod charger rounds and a nanokey. Hack the ATM on the station to withdraw 786 credits. When you exit the subway you will see some steps to your immediate right. There will be 3 dead bodies there. One of them is carrying 1 bioelectric cell. Turn to the East and go through the gap in the fence. There are some thugs intimidating a bum here. As soon as the 2 NSF thugs begin to attack the bum, kill them, making sure the bum survives. One of them will provide you with 6 +/- 6 buckshot rounds. Now talk to the bum, he will give you some valuable information. Go North through a narrow passage and you will find 2 storage containers. Load your mini-crossbow with darts using the inventory screen (instead of the default tranquilizer darts) and you can fire these at the doors of the containers to break them open. The darts can then be retrieved afterwards. You can also fire flare darts into the containers afterwards if you find they are too dark to see clearly inside. Flare darts can be recovered just like the standard darts too, except they run out after 60 seconds.
So long as you have the mini-crossbow and some flare darts, you can load these darts and fire them into dark areas to help you see. The darts can be recovered once you have finished with them, so you won’t lose any ammo in the process. However, if you leave them glowing for more than 60 seconds their light will be used up and then you won’t be able to pick them up again. This countdown is not cumulative though, so if you pick a flare dart up after having used it for 59 seconds you will still have the full 60 seconds available for your next usage. This saves you from having to use up your bioelectric energy on the light.
One of the containers has 4 prod charger rounds inside and the other has a ladder leading down. Don’t go down the ladder, but simply enter this container far enough that you earn the 50 skill points waiting for you there. Go back on to the street and head South. Temporarily drop your 1 flamethrower somewhere along the road here. You will meet 2 UNATCO troopers standing by a fence. One of them will offer you 3 gas grenades, take them. There are 2 crates for you next to the troopers containing 6 rounds of 10mm ammo and 6 rounds of 30.06 ammo. When you go round the corner where the road turns West a fight will break out between the NSF and the UNATCO troopers. Use a similar tactic as in Battery Park to ensure that UNATCO take no casualties: throw 1 gas grenade into the midst of the NSF and, with some luck, the UNATCO troopers will be able to kill them all without any of themselves dying. (As before - if you can manage this without using any ammo please let me know how!) There is another group of NSF and UNATCO troopers at the far end of this road. If you approach them and perhaps help out it should be possible to kill all the NSF without UNATCO losing any men. All in all there should be 10 NSF terrorists dead along this road somewhere. On their bodies you will find: 2 assault rifles with 30 +/- 30 rounds of 7.62x51mm ammo, 9 +/- 9 rounds of 10mm ammo, 6 +/- 6 tranquilizer darts, 2 sawed-off shotguns with 12 +/- 12 buckshot rounds and also 2 nanokeys. Drop the 2 sawed-off shotguns and the 2 assault rifles as soon as you pick them up. Also temporarily drop the other 2 gas grenades and collect your 1 flamethrower again. Now that the road has been cleared of enemies you can check it for items. There is one crate by the barriers which contains 6 rounds of 10mm ammo. 1 bioelectric cell is hiding in the darkness to the left of Osgood and Sons’ and there is a datacube to the right.
Enter Osgood and Sons’ through the window on the right side of the building behind some trash. You will have to break the glass with your combat knife before going through. You should notice 1 bioelectric cell lying on one of the pipes to the left of the room, pick it up. Go up the stairs and push the metal crates out of the way. Find 1 bioelectric cell in the crate on top of the boxes in the middle of the room. Leave the locked door for the moment, but go through the unlocked (but closed) door. In the crate is a flamethrower which will give you 100 napalm rounds and there is 1 bioelectric cell next to it. You should have got 50 skill points when walking up to the crate. Don’t go any further along here, you will come back to Osgood and Sons’ later. Get back onto the street via the main entrance. At the West end of the road, past the barriers to the right, there are 3 more crates. They contain 6 rounds of 10mm ammo, 6 rounds of 30.06 ammo and 30 rounds of 7.62x51mm ammo. There are also some prod charger rounds in the telephone box, but you will hopefully discover that you can’t carry any more of this type of ammo.
NYC - Underworld Tavern

Find the back entrance to the Underworld Tavern to the North (as in the picture above) and go through. Speak to the girl in the first area (Janey) and then twice to Dan, saying you thought you heard him mention Ambrosia, and finally to the bartender (Jordan Shea) in the second area. Don’t buy anything from the bartender. You will find 1 medkit behind the bar. Continue through the tavern until you get to the ATMs. Hack one of them (either) to withdraw 616 credits. Exit again via the front door.
NYC - Hell’s Kitchen
Turn left as you exit the Underworld Tavern and under the second archway you will find a pimp (Johnny) who has a pretty girl (Sandra Renton) backed into a corner by some boxes. Listen in on their conversation and kill the pimp as soon as he attacks Sandra. Speak to Sandra twice and she will give you the password to Smuggler’s. Johnny is carrying 6 +/- 6 buckshot rounds for you.
NYC - Free Clinic
Enter the Free Clinic which was by the telephone in the Southwest corner. Speak to the 2 bums sitting on chairs in the main central area of the clinic. Go through the double doors on the right and speak to the sick person who is arguing with a doctor. Tell him to be more appreciative. The other set of double doors has the first keypad to which you don’t have the code. You don’t need what is inside for the moment though, however you should note:
Whenever you come across a keypad to which you don’t have the code, it is advisable to at least try some simple codes. You should try the numbers from 0-10. Also, if there are only 2 digits I would recommend using brute force of trial and error to get the right code rather than wasting any multitools. It might be a good idea to also look for clues to what the code could be amongst nearby sources of information.
Now leave the clinic again and you should get 150 skill points.
NYC - Hell’s Kitchen
Go back through the rear entrance of the Underworld Tavern.
NYC - Underworld Tavern
This time speak to Janey again and then to Sandra who will now be seated in the tavern. Exit through the front door again and you should get another 150 skill points. Sometimes these last 2 sets of 150 skill points can be a little temperamental. If you don’t seem to get them, just try returning to each of the Free Clinic and the Underworld Tavern one after the other until you get them - this should work!
NYC - Hell’s Kitchen
Head right along the road after exiting the tavern. You will find 12 buckshot rounds by some trash on the right. Now go back to where the rear entrance to the Underworld Tavern is and find the datacube on the ground. Notice that there is a ladder here. Use the nearby small metal crate as a step to jump up to the ladder. Climb up and go up the steps until you reach an open window. You will get 40 skill points.
NYC - ‘Ton Hotel
Go through the open window and find yourself in Paul’s apartment. Take the chit under the bedside table, gaining yourself 350 credits. You will find 1 medkit next to the sink in the bathroom. Find the datacube on the table and then open the area behind the painting to reveal the keypad. Use the code Paul gave you for it. His secret area will now open. Approach the computer inside to gain 40 skill points. Pick up the 3 multitools, 2 lockpicks, 1 bioelectric cell, 1 medkit and 12 rounds of 10mm ammo. Ignore the ballistic armour. There is also a datacube in there. Exit Paul’s apartment through the window.
NYC - Hell’s Kitchen
Now enter the hotel through the front entrance (located in the Southeast corner of the map).
NYC - ‘Ton Hotel
Hack the ATM you find and withdraw 498 credits.
Don’t be tempted to login to the ATMs with any account details you may have picked up on datacubes. In most cases it seems that if you do so and then hack the ATM the total you will be able to withdraw will be less than you would have got had you simply hacked it to begin with (this is certainly true for when you are at master level in computer skills - otherwise it may be better to login). I have checked this out in each case and using the ATMs the way I tell you will ensure you withdraw as many credits as you can.
Crouch to avoid detection and move into the hotel’s main foyer then go up the staircase. Jump across from the top of the staircase to the neighbouring balcony and take out the first NSF terrorist from behind with the combat knife:

Immediately jump back across to the stairs and run down them. Turn right and climb up the ladder in the lift shaft to the next floor up (where the terrorists were). The other NSF terrorist should have run down the stairs to chase you. You can now go back down the stairs and kill him while he puzzles over where you went by the lift shaft. Kill the final NSF terrorist who has the hotel manager hostage behind the front desk. If things go a little differently it doesn’t matter, just make sure the hostages survive and the terrorists die. Return up the stairs and you will get 65 skill points on the hallway. Talk to the male former hostage. The terrorists bodies will provide you with 9 +/- 9 rounds of 10mm ammo. Talk to the hotel clerk (Gilbert Renton) and take the nanokey and 50 credits in the reception area. Go into the lift shaft again. You will find 1 bioelectric cell and 1 multitool in the crates at the bottom and also 1 multitool up on the top level, along the ledge. Return to the balcony onto which you had jumped from the stairs. Behind a plant you will find a hidden datacube. You can use your nanokey to access both Paul’s room and the North room from the hallway, but there is nothing in either room for you at this point. Leave the hotel and get back on the street.
NYC - Hell’s Kitchen
Head near to where the subway entrance and on the way you should notice some steps leading down to a door on the right side of the road. Press the intercomm button. Smuggler will let you through as you know the password. Get on the lift and press the button to go down.
NYC - Smuggler’s Lair
Get off the lift and you will find yourself in what appears to be part of an underground carpark. Take the 1 lockpick from the crate and the 1 multitool from the small hut on the left. Use the small metal crates to form steps that you can use to jump over the blue lasers without tripping the alarm:

Once you are on the other side you will find some ballistic armour in the crate, but don’t bother to pick it up. Go through the door, ignore this crate as well and then go through the next door. You should get 20 skill points as you enter Smuggler’s main room. Speak to Smuggler but don’t buy anything from him. He will provide you with a nanokey to the sewers. Apply it to your mini-crossbow. Go up the stairs. On this level you should find 30 rounds of 7.62x51mm ammo and 1 lockpick on the shelf. Now use your combat knife to smash the mirror by the bed (this will take 17 slashes I believe - but it does work). It will open to reveal a secret stash of items. Take the 1 medkit and apply the clip weapon modification to your sniper rifle. Leave Smuggler’s lair using the lift again (you don’t have to worry about the lasers anymore - now that Smuggler knows he can trust you, you can walk right through them.
NYC - Hell’s Kitchen
Open the sewer entrance in the ground by the subway station and go down the ladders.
NYC - New York Sewers
Duck under the first laser and then run through the second and turn to the right. Run away from the turret and climb the ladder at the end of the tunnel going through the third laser too. You will find 2 dead bodies here:

Pick up the 60 rounds of 7.62x51mm ammo and search the bodies. One doesn’t have anything, but the other will give you 2 lockpicks and 2 multitools. You won’t be able to pick up the medkits as you already have as many as you can carry! Check the datacube. Jump back down into the water after the alarm has stopped (to avoid going through the laser again) and walk up to where the turret is. There is a submerged datacube in the water here, slightly to the left of where the white box is on the wall as you face it. Don’t worry if you can’t find it though as the information it contains was already on the last one. Now run back through the lasers and get out onto the street again.
NYC - Hell’s Kitchen
Find the other entrance to the sewers which is by the rear door of the Underworld Tavern. Open it with your nanokey and and go down.
NYC - New York Sewers
Kill the 3 MJ12 troopers on this level (1 on the bridge, 1 by the side and 1 in the guard room at the end of the bridge). You will get 50 skill points once you pass the halfway point across the bridge. The bodies will give you 45 +/- 45 rounds of 7.62x51mm ammo. Find the datacube in the guard room and the 1 lockpick in one of the crates there. Hack the security computer terminal (you could login, but with master skill level hacking is probably faster!). Turn off the cameras, set the turret to enemies and rotate the bridge. Now cross over the bridge again and go down the ladder to the corridor leading into the wall. Kill the MJ12 trooper on patrol there. You will get 15 +/- 15 rounds of 7.62x51mm ammo from him. Go through the door and find the 100 napalm rounds hidden on the pipe on the left in the next area. You will get 50 skill points as you pass the middle of this room. Proceed through the next door and the one after that (you got the code in a recent datacube). Kill the MJ12 trooper beyond this door. He has a further 15 +/- 15 rounds of 7.62x51mm ammo for you. Use the security computer terminal to deactivate the cameras and open the doors. Go down the stairs and kill the 4 MJ12 troopers on this level. When you kill one the others should come running to get you, you may find it useful to lead them back through the doors where you can take them out more easily. You can take 60 +/- 60 rounds of 7.62x51mm ammo from the bodies. There is a datacube in the rooom to the South. The neighbouring room can be accessed using the same keycode as for the last keypad. You will find 1 lockpick and 6 rounds of 10mm ammo in the crates in the water. Ford Schick is in the next room to the North. Tell him to wait while you deal with security. You will find 1 multitool and a lockpick in the right-hand drawer of the desk in this room, although you can’t carry anymore lockpicks. If you have been taking my advice about codes you don’t know, you should find that you can bypass the keypad on the remaining door on this level without needing any multitools hint ;). Beyond the door is the armoury. You can take: 1 EMP grenade, 12 buckshot rounds, 30 rounds of 7.62x51mm ammo (you will now have as much of this ammo type as possible), 6 rounds of 10mm ammo, 4 rocket rounds and 4 white-phosphorus rocket rounds. Also, temporarily drop your 1 flamethrower here and collect the 1 LAW. Now tell Ford Schick to make a break for it and follow him as he runs out of the compound. You will get 80 skill points when he is safely by the pool. Leave the sewers the same way you entered. Go up the ladder and across the bridge. Rotate the bridge then cross it again. Now exit the sewers.
NYC - Hell’s Kitchen
Make your way to Osgood and Sons’. Use the 1 LAW to blast open the locked door in there. Be careful not to kill yourself with the blast. As soon as you have fired it get back behind cover before the impact:

Pick up the augmentation upgrade and apply it to your combat strength augmentation. There are also 6 rounds of 10mm ammo here.
NYC - New York Sewers
Go back into the sewers again (use the entrance by the Underworld Tavern). You may notice there are some items down in the large pool. You do not need the crate floating in the water, but there are some useful items on the pipes sticking out of the walls. Getting these is quite involved so I will mention every detail here. Begin by crossing the bridge and going down the ladder by the security computer terminal (not the one into the water, but the one leading into the corridor). Push the large metal crate into the pool so that it is in approximately in the right position to create a path for you to get from the lowest pipe on the right to the ladder on the left. Go back up the ladder and cross the bridge again. Drop down onto the highest pipe (the one with water flowing out of it). Dropping as opposed to jumping means you will not lose any health. If you look to your left you should see that one of the nearby pipes has 1 bioelectric cell on it:

Jump across onto that pipe and pick up the cell (still no health should be lost). Now look down to your left and you might see that there is a weapon modification on a pipe near the water level there. Drop down (don’t jump or you will take more damage) onto that pipe from the one you are on now. I managed the jump with my health stats at torso: 76 and both legs: 68. It isn’t necessary to use any medkits, you can just wait until you reach the next medical bot. Pick up the accuracy weapon modification and apply it to your sniper rifle. Now use the 3 metal crates (including the one you pushed into the water) to jump across onto the ladder on the left without entering the water. Climb up the ladder and rotate the bridge. Cross the bridge and go to collect your 1 flamethrower. You will have to rotate the bridge once more before you can get back up to the street again.
NYC - Hell’s Kitchen
Return down the lift to Smuggler to inform him about Ford Schick.
NYC - Smuggler’s Lair
When you speak to Smuggler, buy the scope weapon modification from him for 700 credits. Apply it to your mini-crossbow. Take the lift back up to the surface.
NYC - Hell’s Kitchen
Go over to the Free Clinic to see just how free it really is.
NYC - Free Clinic
Having spoken to the doctors to see how over priced the treatment is, use your darts to smash through the glass in the locked double doors. Use the medical bots inside to install the environmental resistance augmentation and also to heal yourself. Leave the Free Clinic again.
NYC - Hell’s Kitchen
Collect the 2 gas grenades which you had temporarily dropped earlier. Go to the subway station and get on the train.
NYC - Battery Park
This is just a quick stop to collect the 3 gas grenades that you had dropped here in Battery Park when you picked up the flamethrower. Once you have got them, head back to Hell’s Kitchen on the train.
NYC - Hell’s Kitchen
Head over to Osgood and Sons’. Go down to the basement where you will find yourself confronted with some laser tripwires. Use the crates to make a stepladder up to the pipe on the right. You can then crawl along the pipe to avoid the lasers:

When you reach the other side you will get another 50 skill points. There are 12 buckshot rounds hidden between 2 barrels here. Also hidden are 4 rocket rounds (though you can only pick up 3 of them). These are under part of the thick yellow pipe in the far room. Go up the steps to the door and use the code you were given a while back by Janey. Press the button to go up in the lift.
Items | Minimum Collected | Maximum Collected | Used Up / Dropped |
skill points | 795 | n/a | 0 |
credits | 2300 | n/a | 700 |
weapon modifications | 3 | n/a | 3 |
accuracy | 1 | n/a | 1 |
clip | 1 | n/a | 1 |
scope | 1 | n/a | 1 |
augmentations | 0 | n/a | 1 |
augmentation upgrades | 1 | n/a | 1 |
datacubes | 9 | n/a | n/a |
nanokeys | 5 | n/a | n/a |
enemies killed | 25 | n/a | n/a |
MJ12 troopers | 9 | n/a | n/a |
NSF terrorists | 13 | n/a | n/a |
NSF thugs | 2 | n/a | n/a |
pimps | 1 | n/a | n/a |
ammo total | 311 | 539 | 2 |
buckshot rounds | 48 | 68 | 0 |
EMP grenades | 1 | 1 | 0 |
gas grenades | 3 | 3 | 1 |
LAWs | 1 | 1 | 1 |
napalm rounds | 100 | 200 | 0 |
prod charger rounds | 12 | 12 | 0 |
rocket rounds | 7 | 7 | 0 |
rounds of 10mm ammo | 0 | 84 | 0 |
rounds of 30.06 ammo | 12 | 12 | 0 |
rounds of 7.62x51mm ammo | 150 | 150 | 0 |
tranquilizer darts | 0 | 12 | 0 |
white-phosphorus rocket rounds | 4 | 4 | 0 |
other important items | 29 | n/a | 0 |
bioelectric cells | 8 | n/a | 0 |
lockpicks | 8 | n/a | 0 |
medkits | 4 | n/a | 0 |
multitools | 9 | n/a | 0 |